PHP Installation

There are many ways to install PHP. First you need a server; we will be using Abyss web server for these tutorials. Abyss runs on MAC, Linux and Windows, and you can download it from here: You also need PHP which you can get from here so it will be configured to work smoothly with the Abyss server. You also need an editor; we recommend Notepad++ which can be downloaded for free from here:

Install Notepad

Download Notepad++ from the link above and simply follow the instructions. Notepad++ is an excellent editor.

Install PHP

Install PHP to the normal directory, which would be C:\Program Files\PHP5\ for PC, however if you are on MAC or Linux it will be somewhere else. Once you done that, install and configure abyss.

Install Abyss Web Server

Run the Abyss exe file and install it in the default location (C:\Abyss Web Server). For the components select the following:

Abyss Web Server Installation Options

It is optional to choose ASP.NET Support, select it if you feel you will need it. If you’re on Linux or MAC, then un-tick ASP.NET Support.

Once installation is half way finished you will get the start up configuration window. Select this option:

Abyss Server Start Up Config

This will make the server start up when Windows starts up. The default port is 8000 (if port 80 is taken by IIS, you can change this in the Admin Dashboard if you wish).

Configure Abyss

Now we must configure Abyss to recognize PHP files.

On start up, the Abyss server default admin panel is localhost:9999. For the first time it will prompt you for a username and password.  Once you are in the admin panel, click on Scripting Parameters as shown:

Abyss PHP Config

We need to tell it the location of the PHP interpreter. Click on Interpreters and then click on add, and copy this:

AWS Configuration

In the Associated Extensions click on add and type PHP. Then click OK and restart (it will prompt you).

Now start Notepad++ and copy this code:


Save it as a PHP file, name it phpinfo in the Abyss htdocs folder (the htdocs folder is where all you php files will go). Then in your browser go to localhost:8000/phpinfo.php (or your specified port). If you see this, you are done:

PHP Info