C# Operators

Below is a list of commonly used C# operators.

Equality Operators

Operator Description Example
== Is equal to if (x==y)



!= Not equal to if (x != y)



Relational Operators

Operator Description Example
< Less than if (x < y)
> Greater than if (x > y)
<= Less than or equal to if (x <= y)
>= Greater than or equal to if (x >= y)

Conditional Operators

Operator Description Example
&& And if ((x > y) && (a > b))
|| OR if ((x > y) || (a > b))

Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example
= Assignment Operator x = 3;
+ Addition Operator x + y
Subtraction Operator x – y
* Multiplication Operator x * y
/ Division Operator x / y

Other Operators

Operator Description
++ Increment

It is useful to learn these, as they are common operators. For a full list visit:
